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Mr Monkey in Harrogate, 21st July

"I do like Lucy Casson's work, you know"

Mr Monkey looking at a display of Lucy Casson sculptures Mr Monkey looking at a display of Lucy Casson sculptures

Mr Monkey was visiting Godfrey and Watt on the last day of an exhibition of tin sculptures by Lucy Casson. He'd had the foresight to make his humans buy one of the sculptures when the exhibition began, and went to inspect his selection and to check the red sold spot beside it. He examined the rest of the exhibition, regreting that his humans wouldn't buy him the giant fox (which was a bit of a departure from the rest of Ms Casson's work). By the time he'd been round the gallery, his sculpture had been taken down and safely packed in a box.

You can see close-ups of Lucy Casson's sculptures at the Godfrey and Watt website.

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Copyright Rik Shepherd and Mr Monkey. This page last modified 8 August 2007