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Mr Monkey follows the Siege of Ostende historic walk, 14th September

"It's very peaceful now, you know"

Mr Monkey looking at the Attack! board Mr Monkey looking at the bronze model of Ensor's studio

Mr Monkey trotted along the promenade to the second display board, Attack!. This marks the site of the Zandhille bulwark and the Helmont bastion, where some of the most fierce fighting took place. The defenders drowned 2500 Spanish soldiers here by opening the western sluice gates and washing them into the sea with the water from the city canals. A little further on Mr Monkey found a sloping bronze box. He scampered in through its open door and found that it was inspired by the work of James Ensor.

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Copyright Rik Shepherd and Mr Monkey. This page last modified 6 November 2007