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Mr Monkey at The People's History Museum, 14th April

"I hadn't realised coachmakers ever went on strike"

Mr Monkey looking at the back of the Ipswich Dockers Union banner Mr Monkey looking at the banner of the United Kingdom Society of Coachmakers

The Purity (white) section is devoted to union banners. Mr Monkey particularly admired the banner of the Ipswich branch of the Dock, Wharf, Riverside and General Labourer's Union. The back shows workers and management getting on very well together, which Mr Monkey found interesting as the union had been formed immediately after the bitter 1889 London Dock Strike. He was also impressed by the banner of the United Kingdom Society of Coachmakers, a union formed in 1834 after a successful strike by coachmakers in Manchester and Liverpool.

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Copyright Rik Shepherd and Mr Monkey.