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Mr Monkey tours the Stockport Plaza Cinema, 12th September

"And why are there no shouts of 'encore' or 'bravo' ?"

Mr Monkey behind the cinema screen at the Plaza Mr Monkey standing on the stage looking at people sitting in the stalls

At the end of the corridor under the stage Mr Monkey climbed the stairs and explored the area behind the cinema screen. He was surprised to see that the screen (to the right of the first picture) leant back at such an angle. It has to be like that so everyone can see the film properly. After inspecting some of the rope and cables used for moving the scenery around when there is a live performance at the Plaza, Mr Monkey popped around the to the other side of screen and found that he had an audience. Being a polite monkey he bowed to the people sitting in the stalls (who were really waiting for the film show and organ music Mr Monkey had seen earlier) and looked up to see that there was hardly anyone up in the Circle.

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Copyright Rik Shepherd and Mr Monkey.