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Mr Monkey tours the Stockport Plaza Cinema, 12th September

"You need a good head for heights up here"

Mr Monkey looking at the stage from the circle Mr Monkey looking at the Decorative Grille in the ceiling of the Circle

Mr Monkey was led through the entrance hall and up what seemed like a lot of stairs. When he stopped climbing he found that he was in the Circle, looking down onto the stage. Mr Rik was a little giddy, but Mr Monkey remained calm and looked around with interest. One of the important features that has been restored is the Decorative Grille, behind which is a blue area described in 1932 as "a vista of Mediterranean skies". Mr Monkey suspects this was more convincing in 1932 when most cinema patrons hadn't seen any Mediterranean skies for comparison, but he admired it anyway.

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Copyright Rik Shepherd and Mr Monkey.