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Mr Monkey in the Domein Raversijde

"It's time to investigate those guns we saw before"

Mr Monkey caught a tram out of Ostende, and got off at the Domein Raversijde. He scurried across the road, and went to visit the old Royal Domain which houses a memorial to Prince Charles, German gun emplacements and bunkers from two world wars, and a recreation of bits of a medieval fishing village.

Follow the links on the images below to see Mr Monkey's visit to the Domein Raversijde.

Arriving at the domain Aachen battery observation post Aachen battery trenches Aachen battery gun position Flak position and tunnel Searchlight and Oerlikon Tunnel and escape point R612 flanking bunker and PAK40 PAK40 Flak position and landscape Main entrance and beach defences Commander's quarters and Belgian artillery R671 bunker and U-Bootskanone Flak position and anti-tank position Main command bunker Landscape and flak Flak and barricade Approaching Walraversijde village Shipowner's house and nets Bakehouse and ruin Archaeology Leaving the domein Bunkers from the road

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Copyright Rik Shepherd and Mr Monkey. This page last modified 12 September 2006